2 Corinthians 4:16
So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The first day of a new journey

So, this is the first blog i have ever written but i think it is important to share our story, keep our family and friends updated and also to be an outlet for me to share my thoughts and feelings. This might be really hard for me. I am going through something that i have never gone through before and I am still in a state of shock that this is actually happening. I often have a problem coming to terms with reality, and something like this really throws me for  a loop. I am not sure if i will be able to completely express my feelings but I am going to try. If this touches one life of someone who is going through this it is all worth it. God has already shown himself to us so amazingly and we know he has a plan for this and we are looking forward to seeing how God works in this. I have called my blog "Small Potatoes" because this is just a bump in the road for us. The verse that inspired this name just really shows us all that we go through in life is nothing compared to the eternal value. So we will not give up. We will look to the future and know that we will come through walking hand in hand with our Lord.

So tomorrow will be 3 weeks since my surgery and i cant believe it. It is one of those things that have gone so fast but you can't believe it has only been such a short period of time. It is hard to remember my life without cancer right now. I find it hard to remember when it was just me and Ian all day with the same things going on everyday. We would go to the park, play puzzles, play outside or go to the store. I would cook dinner, Chuck would wake up, we'd eat dinner, put Ian to bed, then snuggle on the couch with Chuck until he went to work. That was our day. And I loved it. Since the news my days are filled with cancer related stuff. Doctors appointments, surgeries and even just always talking about it. It is hard to think about my life again just being normal. My mother-in-law said this is the "new normal" in our lives. It sucks to think about, but it is really true. I can't wait to go back to the "old normal".  I am living my life so differently than i did 2 months ago.
I start chemo tomorrow. I will be having 8 treatments in 16 weeks.  The anticipation and the unknown is the scariest part of this whole thing. I dont know how I am going to react to it and how I am going to feel. I am just ready to get through at least the first treatment so I know what to expect. I hope all the nausia medicine that they are pumping me with really work. My worst fear is to be sick for 16 weeks. So my prayer this week is for me to not feel to crappy. Pray that I will be that exception with very light side effects. Thank everyone already for all the support through another new road that we are traveling. I will keep you all posted on how this goes. Thanks for reading.

P.S. This is just a rough draft on the blog design. I will hopefully be updating and redesigning it soon. :-)


  1. I love you I love you and I'll be praying for you tomorrow. He is the Great Healer and the Great Comforter and I trust that He will make both those qualities abundantly clear to you in these coming weeks.

  2. I love reading your thoughts. I am encouraged by the idea of reading this blog when it's all over and seeing the work God has done.

    A song to encourage you tomorrow:

    <3 u

  3. thank you for having the courage to share such an intimate part of your life. you inspire me and i'm honored to be your friend. i hope the treatments go smoothly and swiftly. i love you!

  4. You truely are an inspiration with you story Jill, I could only image right now. We love you and will praying for you,every moment for you possible. Keep us Posted, and keep strong! LOV you JIll.

  5. The same for me Jill on what everyone has already said. I say this with sincerity Jill I am a phone call away and either a car drive or a flight away if you need me for anything. I'll watch Ian, help you clean, shop or accompany you to your appointments. If I can help in any way, know I'm here. I will be praying for you as all the Schiano's in this family will be. Mrs Levchuck has been praying as well and sends her love to you. The Lord's peace to you, Chuck and Ian. Thank you for sharing yourself in your blog. It will also help to direct our prayers. Much love is sent to you as well as a big comforting hug. Mrs Schiano ( Concetta )
